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Q. What are the system requirements of Easy Online Store Builder?
A. Easy Online Store Builder requires a computer running a web browser such as Microsoft Internet Explorer, Netscape Communicator, Mozilla, AOL, Opera 7, Apple Safari, Firefox.

Q. Can I change the sort order of items and/or categories within my store?
A. Yes. All items and categories are sorted alphabetically be default but you can over-ride this by entering your own sort order value in the database, for example by price, size, quantity or date released.

Q. Is there a web developer or resellers price?
A. Yes, if you purchase more than 5 plans you are eligible for re-seller prices.

Q. What support do you offer?
A. There are a number of support options. Firstly we have a forum that we continuously add information to, but for technical questions, assistance with your web design or any billing enquires you can either e-mail us, phone us or contact us directly by clicking on our contact us link.

Q. Does Easy Online Store Builder support real time payment gateway?
A. Easy Online Store Builder supports several payment gateways such as credit card payments via eWay for real time and EFTPOS transactions for offline processing.

Q. What level of security does Easy Online Store Builder offer?
A. Payments are accepted via a 128bit SSL encrypted order form. This is the highest level of encryption accepted by a standard web browser to ensure sensitive payment information remains secure during online transactions.

Q. How long has Easy Online Store Builder been around?
A. The first version of the program was developed in 1996 and launched in 1997. Easy Online Store Builder is the fifth revision of the program.

Q. Can anyone use Easy Online Store Builder?
A. You don't need any programming skills to develop your personalized website, Easy Online Store Builder does all the programming for you behind the scene, allowing you to focus purely on design, and to make things easier there are pre-build store templates available for you to choose from, if you don't want to use the advanced design mode.

Q. Does Easy Online Store Builder support auction or bidding type transactions?
A. No, that feature is still under development.

Q. What is data transfer?
A. Data Transfer is the information traveling to and from your website. When a customer types in your domain name in the browser URL i.e. they are in fact requesting information from your site and data is transferred between your site which resides on our server to your customer's browser. Data transfer quoted is usually what you can transfer every month. Fair go policy applies.

Q. What is server space?
A. Server space is the same as disk space and it refers to how much space is available for your site and e-mail accounts on our servers. Now you will notice that as you go up in the plans, your server space increases, allowing you to add more features or products to your site.

Q. What is the Easy Online Store Builder interface?
A. Easy Online Store Builder interface is your driving wheel behind your site. It allows you to manage your site web content plus adding of features and data to your site. You will need to have an account if you wish to view and use the interface.

Q. What can I do using Easy Online Store Builder interfaces?
A. You can use Easy Online Store Builder interfaces to:
1. Building and customizing your own website as you see fit or selecting a pre-build design;
2. Upload your web site content to our web servers i.e. products/services information;
3. Create your own mail boxes i.e. customer email addresses, and set auto-responders and auto-forwarders on these mailboxes;
4. Check your web site statistics;
5. Change your contact details;
6. Setting up your own forum;
7. Building your own FAQ;
8. And much much more ...

Q. What is a mailing list?
A. Mailing list allows you to send email to people who subscribe to your mailing list. This allows you to send e-mails to large groups of people with no delays. Users on the list and remove themselves from the list without your intervention.

Q Does my mailboxes include any protection against spam and viruses?
A. Yes, your e-mails will have enhanced anti-spam and anti-virus technologies that help reject unknown unsolicited bulk email ('spam') and messages that may contain viruses or harmful and malicious content ('malware'). However, there is no simple fix for the problem of spasm and viruses as this is an ever changing field, and sometimes spam and virus does get through.

Q. How can I pay for my Easy Online Store Builder services?
A. The preferred method of payment is to auto-debit from a credit card at the end of each month or year depending whether you select our monthly or annually packages. The services are prepaid, and you must have credit in your account for a service to be active.

Q. How can I change my contact details with Easy Online Store Builder?
A. All your account details, except for your company name can be updated in your via the interface. Alternatively, call us and quote your username and password and we can make changes for you over the phone.

Q. Are there any limits on the type of information I can publish on my site?
A. We will not permit material to be hosted which is deemed illegal and/or pornographic under the guidelines of the Australian Broadcasting Authority (ABA).

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ecommerce specials NO setup fee. Normally $149, but setup with zero setup fee for this month only,if you buy a 12 months plan.
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>Basic user guide
>Advanced design guide
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New features launched
Latest version of Easy Online Store Builder includes order tracking, freight management, gift voucher support and new customer management system.

New payment gateways
The latest version of Easy Online Store Builder is optimized to also provide direct support for additional payment gateways such as PayPal and Paymate. With newly added feature Easy Online Store Builder is one of the most cost effective, feature rich online store builder products on the market.


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